
Create a new MongoKit class

  1. Create your class using MongoKit syntax ;-)
  2. import object connection from the mobyle.common.connection module.
  3. to register the class in mongokit add the decorator @connection.register
  4. if you need to use an object from mongokit you need to import the corresponding module. The registration of the class in the mongokit connection is made at the import step.
  5. If object need to be added to the web dashboard, on mobyle.web://mobyle/web/, add the decorator @mf_decorator to your class.

for instance

from mongokit import Document
from mf.annotation import mf_decorator

from .connection import connection
from .config import Config

class User(Document):

    __collection__ = 'users'
    __database__ = Config.config().get('app:main','db_name')

How to use a MongoKit class

Following an example to retrieve User object in mongodb. If the module is an entry point of the application then instantiate a config object with a the path of a configuration file:

from mobyle.common.config import Config
config = Config( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test.conf'))

Import the Mongokit connection object:

from mobyle.common.connection import connection

By importing users all class in users which are decorated with @connection.register are registered in connection:

from mobyle.common import users

Use Mongokit to retrieve User:

objects = connection.User.find({})