
Each entry point of the application must instantiate a config object with an explicit path to a configuration file before any other mobyle module import. for instance:

import mobyle.common.config
cfg = mobyle.common.config.Config(file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'development.ini')))

This will create a kind of singleton of the config object, so the other calls to config just return this object. If you have a warning like the following message:

2013-03-14 11:37:08,345 - mobyle - WARNING - No configuration file available, using defaults

then you need to check carefully the config object.

config API reference

Created on Nov. 27, 2012

@author: Olivier Sallou @contact: @license: GPLv3

class mobyle.common.config.Config(file=None)[source]

Config loads mobyle configuration file.

Configuration file can be specified or loaded in $HOME/.mobyle or current directory if not specified. File also contains configuration for the logger

Config object must be instanciated once at application startup



To get access to a Config element, one must specify the section and key.



To get a logger, just use the following.


Config.logger(“mylogger”) or Config.logger() for defaults

static _Config__parse_config_file(file=None)

Parse the configuration file

Parameters:file (String) – Configuration file to parse
Parameters:file (String) – Path to the configuration file
static config()[source]

Get the configuration parser

Returns:the config parser
Return type:ConfigParser

See also


static logger(mylogger='mobyle')[source]

Gets a logger from configuration file. If no logger is defined, create a default one.

Parameters:mylogger – name of the Logger, defaults to mobyle
Return type:Logger
static reload()[source]

Reload configuration file